Sunday, September 27, 2009

No kidding !!

It's real !! Real and real !!! Nothing is more real than this....

This time Audit I think I'm going to fail. No kidding !! What I mean is, I'm going to FAIL. I really have bad feeling about this. To study this subject I think it really can kill me and I suffer a lot from this. Last time before the exam, I wan thinking that it doesn't matter if i didn't get an A, just get a B will do. But now, I think any gred will do as long as I pass it.

Why no one believes me? I really don't know how to do the questions !! When I attempted the questions, I was some kind of giving up and try next time. But, I suddenly know that if I try again next time, means that I will have to redo the assignment and mid term again, that's not killing, the most difficult thing for me is to re-study the subject and take the exam again. I think its enough if I take this as the last time I would go and study for it !!

Do u ever realise I keep on repeating that I will fail? I really mean what I said ! If compare to last time, I just will say once or for a moment only, because I believes there is hope for me, but now, I don't know how many times I keep on repeating the same words !! But my friends(housemates) won't believe it !!! So SAD !!


Really have to pray hard that I won't fail !! PLEASE!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009




原本,我们家很多女生都不大喜欢狗(应该是怕),现在都可以喂它吃饭喝水。就连Zelene 都可以抚摸它的头。有趣吧?


话说回来,当时,我和我的housemate-Yong Sern,在为购的住家抹地时,就拜托 Soo Hin 把那只狗拖走。于是,Soo Hin 就把它拖到楼梯口那儿。当Zelene 要往楼梯下来时,Soo Hin 就叫那只狗追 Zelene。够残忍吧?哈哈!就这样,Zelene 就被吓跑了几次。可是,在被吓跑几次的当时,她已经喊了超过数百次。感谢上帝,幸亏我们家的玻璃不多!

当有一次,Zelene 真得跑了下来,准备要去找 Shirley 时,Soo Hin 又再次叫那只狗去追 Zelene。Zelene 当时什么都不想,只是一心想着跑啊跑啊!Zelene 快跑!好笑的是,Zelene 只跑了不到 2metres 的楼梯就站在那边了。哇!你一定是想Zelene 想要跟那只狗拼了是不是?

你错了!!Zelene 是因为那只狗儿搞得两脚动弹不得,唯有站在那边,喊到好像杀鸡酱!哈哈!Zelene 你也未免太又去了吧!由于我的华语程度有限,没能形容得酱生动!

如果追她的不是小狗,不是被人抓住的小狗,而是一只又大又凶的狗,而且没被绑住,你觉得Zelene 会怎样?

我想应该会两支脚动不了,应该连尿都会向地上流吧!!哈哈!(Zelene 我不是想要取笑你,而是想跟大家分享!)

Sunday, September 6, 2009





我们曾经哭泣, 也曾共同欢笑.
但愿你会记得, 永远地记着,


希望明年我生日,也能够拥有 Soo Hin 的 photo album,能把所有我们一起度过的时光纪录下来! 我知道大多数1493的housemates们都想要拥有那本photo album,哈哈,能的话,希望能在明年你们生日时送上!


Friday, September 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Yi Hui !!!!

Upon Zelene request and my will also, I'm going to post something memorable for 1493 Chan Yi Hui ( Ah Ma). Happy Birthday ya Yi Hui, my housemate, classmate, coursemate, carmate, ex-classmate, ex-neighbour!! Haha!

On Thursday evening, we were having class till 8pm while my other housemates went for the steamboat 1st, we will jon them later after the class. But what the hell the tutor was teaching? Nothing, yes, I mean nothing!! He ask us do quiz in quia and let us check coursework marks. My mind was thinking about the steamboat and the celebration party.. wahh, can't stop imaging it. My heart said:" I want play, I want eat and I want RUN AWAY from the class!"

Finally, we arrived at the steamboat "任你吃", wah, so happy and we took a lot of photo. A lot of funny photo and photo taken with the tauke of the shop.

Picture with tauke in the middle
Where is Zelene and Fong Theng??

Nice picture brought to you by
Yu Wei, Yong Chiang
and Irwin Tan(with evil face)
in conjuction with Chinese Ghost Festival!

Good shot with correct angle !!
Haha.. acting!

Ice-cream advertising
By Kae Ying and Yu Wei

Zelene highest ice-cream
which couldn't stand at all !!

After the dinner which include supper, that's the time for us to "exercise"- Yong Sern tyre pancit, wahh, so sui betul that evil guy.

YS car !!!

Our "adventure" didn't stop at here !! We continued at home with arrival of special VIP (VVIP)- Tai Long. First of all, we gave Yi Hui the birthday card we made earlier with our own picture and hand-writting. Wah, so memorable, don't feel like want to give her lo. We 1493 members always try different things, so this time we try to give Yi Hui disappointed at 1st and then only celebrate her birthday with chocolate cake!! But I don't think she didn;t know lo, cause she always say that "think with brain la" !! Zha Dao !!

Look carefully, YS in this picture,
in facebook they say:
"he act cute !!" Haha!

I made this whole day and night,
without sleep,
Once again,
Happy Birthday Yi Hui !!